Enabling Artists to Prosper

Through Lifelong Customers



Elite Membership


Artists don’t need to consume more information, but rather, they want to know which specific action items to execute to sell their artwork. Elite membership does exactly that.

As an Elite member, you can access weekly action items, with specific duration, templates, and expected outcome. Week by week you’ll execute the exact action items to grown your sales from zero to six figures.

As a bonus, the Elite membership also includes top 10 beliefs, hundreds of belief-based content examples, and FREE eBooks and Audiobooks.




Join likeminded artists for life-changing workshops of belief-based art sales and turning your art into a living.

These world-class workshops are designed for small groups of artists. The workshops demonstrate how to successfully apply the belief-based approach.

In addition, the workshops include case studies of artists from our community who have implemented the belief-based approach to attract their own tribe of art buyers, share their artwork, and scale sales while prospering as full-time artists.


eBooks & Audiobooks


Our team has created self-guided and easy-to-implement eBooks and audiobooks.

These do-it-yourself (DIY) books are not meant to analyze, critique or validate art careers. However, the eBooks and audiobooks are action plans with step-by-step instructions on how to implement the belief-based approach to achieve a full-time prosperous art career.

The eBooks and audiobooks are also included for FREE with the Elite membership.



Workshop Request

Submit your request, question, or other inquiries.
