Belief-Based Art Sales.
Artist’s action plan to six-figure sales.
The #1 Factor of Artist Failure is Lack of sales.
Artists don’t need advice or another million-dollar plan.
Artists need to know what actions to take today to win.
WE ARE Fortence
Third artistic.
Third psychology.
Third business.
We’re entrepreneurial artists who make a living doing what we love.
We share our belief to attract our ideal art buyers.
We help everyday artists execute weekly action items to turn their art into a living.
Every artist’s success story starts with a belief.
Sell your own artwork through weekly action items, with specific duration, templates, and expected outcome.
Join likeminded artists for life-changing workshops of belief-based art sales and turning your art into a living.
The eBooks and Audiobooks offer a new belief-based approach to selling artwork and achieving six-figure sales.
We Believe
Artists should
pursue their dreams,
create their best artwork,
& make a living, doing what they love.
Contact Us
Our office is conveniently located in Washington DC metro area. Can’t make it into the office? No worries – we’ve got you covered.
Phone: +1 (703) 659-9110
“I hate marketing and sales. For years, I just couldn’t sell my art.
The belief-based approach allowed me to share my art with an audience who really cares about my work and what my art stands for.
Today, I make great art and people buy it.”
— Elizabeth S., NY